
SCANSnapshot: Volunteers are a beautiful thing 

February 10, 2012

Last night we kicked off our new session of ABCs of Parenting classes, and we can’t think of a more beautiful picture to post this morning. This is a group of Parent Education Program volunteers who supported our last round of English and Spanish parenting classes, which resulted in 24 parents (12 from each class) completing this popular program.

Want to know something especially great about this photo? See the young man in the back row, second from the left? That’s Zachary. He plays baseball for St. John’s College High School (SJC), and helps his mom coach his sister’s softball team in a Northern Virginia league where he is also a youth umpire. He’s been a Youth Teaching Assistant at the Smithsonian Institution Summer camp (a favorite among his campers). He’s also a volunteer at SCAN.

As a junior at SJC, Zachary was required to perform 40 hours of volunteer community services for the 2010 /2011 school year.  Zach’s mom (who is a volunteer with another local CASA Program), thought earning those hours working with children while their parents attend class was a perfect fit for Zachary. He’s great with kids and had relevant experience.

Zachary says he likes being a volunteer because he gets to meet interesting people, he enjoys working with kids and he likes to be a positive role model for the children.

We’re pretty sure he’s a great role model for all of us, no matter what our ages might be. Don’t you?