July 9, 2015
It’s summer: From more time at home (with a babysitter or unsupervised) to time on vacation (swimming, outdoors, etc.), it’s an important time to share resources with the parents and families in your community. Here’s a round-up of great, local information and support to share this summer:
- SCAN’s Summer Safety for Kids page on the Parent Resource Center. Download a fact sheet or listen to a radio show covering everything from sun safety to preventing child sexual abuse at camps.
- SCAN’s Supervision Guidelines page on the Parent Resource Center. When can a child be left at home alone? How can we prepare as a family? This includes links to guidelines for every local jurisdiction in Northern Virginia.
- Keeping kids safe in cars via the Child Protection Partnership of Prince William’s Facebook page.
- Child ID App and Summer Safety Tips from the FBI via the City of Alexandria
- Water Safety (and much more!) from healthychildren.com, a fantastic site from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Do you have a resource to share? Let everyone know in the comments section below.