September 25, 2015
This past week, SCAN’s Allies in Prevention Coalition hosted a Darkness to Light supplemental training and panel discussion at Charles E. Beatley, Jr. Central Library in Alexandria. More than 40 service providers came from around Northern Virginia for the meeting. What subject drew so many people? The Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children.
The short video training from Darkness to Light started the event with a shocking statistic: more than 90% of children who are commercially sexually exploited have been sexually abused in the past.
“Most of my work/agency work focuses on what happens after abuse occurs,” noted one attendee. “But I learned a lot about prevention and will be looking in to how I can incorporate this with children and families.”
The panel discussion after the video training included Detective Betty Sixsmith from the Alexandria Police Department, Besty Young from Prince William County schools, and Detective Cervantes Armstrong from Prince William County Police.
Being aware of the warning signs of child sexual abuse and the sexual exploitation of children is a key take away from the training. As Detective Armstrong noted “The grooming process…it’s all around us. We see it every day.” As service providers it is about learning how to recognize those signs and then take the action to prevent the abuse from occurring or continuing.
It is incredibly important to be able to recognize the warning signs and to have open conversations with children and teens. As panelist Betsy Young stated about victims, “They have a smokescreen and if you take the time to listen and connect with them, that screen fades.” Once you recognize and are aware of abuse you can take the necessary steps to provide support services and resources.
Resources & Support Services to be aware of:
- National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (
- Center for Alexandria’s Children (
- Northern Virginia Family Services (
Call to Action! What can you do to further awareness and education on the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children?
- Attend a Darkness to Light Stewards of Children training. Contact Tracy Leonard ([email protected]) for a schedule of upcoming trainings.
- Host a Darkness to Light Stewards of Children training to provide more education within your organization. Contact Tracy Leonard ([email protected]) to schedule a training.
- Go to and take the training online.
- Download our Human Trafficking Fact Sheet for Parents and share it with your colleagues and the parents and families with whom you work.
If you see something, say something. Be a voice for children.