November 6, 2017
For individuals committed to the well-being of Northern Virginia’s children and families, SCAN’s 6th Annual “Speak Up for Children” Advocacy Training event — made possible by Verizon — is a unique opportunity to learn more about a legislative process that impacts both how children and families receive care, as well as the institutions that deliver said care. In reviewing the legislative process and engaging with elected officials, Advocacy Day participants develop a better understanding of how to be an effective advocate for vulnerable children and families.
While Northern Virginia families face a variety of challenges, this year’s Advocacy Day highlights two key issues: Virginia’s need to reduce the incidence of substance exposed infants and closing the teacher licensing loophole in relation to child sexual abuse. Special guests will include:
• Delegate David Bulova
• Delegate Mark Levine
• Delegate Kenneth Plum
• NBC4 Investigative Reporter Scott McFarlane
• Charol Shakeshaft, Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University
• Prevent Child Abuse Virginia‘s Johanna Schuchert
• Voices for Virginia’s Children