
What Does it Mean to Be a Trauma Informed Organization? 

March 22, 2018

Have you explored our trauma informed care resources for parents? You’ve heard us talk about this topic from a direct child services perspective (see our blog post here), as well as an advocacy perspective (such as this blog we re-posted from Voices for Virginia’s Children) as it relates to legislation. But how do we change whole organizations to better serve individuals who have experienced trauma?

We’ve developed a helpful new resource that can get you started. Trauma informed organizations make a commitment to understand trauma, how to respond to trauma, and how it affects those they work with. Being trauma informed is an organizational cultural change. We hope you’ll download our Trauma Informed Organizations fact sheet, and let us know how your organization is making changes in 2018. We also recommend you learn more at:

• “Changing the Lens” by Voices for Virginia’s Children
• This report on Trauma Informed Care in Human Services from SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration)
• The National Council for Behavioral Health, including the recent 60 Minutes’ segment with Oprah Winfrey: