How to name SCAN in your will
Legal name: SCAN of Northern Virginia
Address: 205 S. Whiting Street, Suite 205, Alexandria, VA 22304
Federal tax ID#: 54-1473693
Sample language: “I give and bequeath to SCAN of Northern Virginia, 205 S. Whiting Street, Suite 205, Alexandria, VA 22304 [the sum of __________ Dollars ($____)] [ _______ % of the rest, residue and remainder of my estate], to be used for its general charitable purposes.”
Planning to leave a gift in your will? Let us know
We hope you’ll notify us of your planned gift so we can recognize your charitable contribution. Please email Brittany Bayliss at [email protected] to notify us of your gift.
Naming SCAN as a beneficiary of all or a specified percentage of your IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or other retirement plan is a great way to leave a lasting impact and support SCAN’s programs.
Individuals who inherit retirement plan assets are typically required to pay income tax on them, so they’re often considered among the best assets to leave to charity.
How to name SCAN as a beneficiary
Ask your plan administrator or financial institution for a change of beneficiary form and list SCAN as:
SCAN of Northern Virginia
Address: 205 S. Whiting Street, Suite 205, Alexandria, VA 22304
Federal tax ID#: 54-1473693
Planning to add SCAN as a beneficiary? Let us know
We hope you’ll notify us of your planned gift so we can recognize your charitable contribution. Please email Brittany Bayliss at [email protected] to notify us of your gift.
Thank you to our planned-giving supporters for making a long-term investment in SCAN
Larry & Sharon Beeman
Jeff & Joyce Bliss
Tom & Trudy Brisendine
David & Carol Cleary
Donna Cuviello
Mary & John Kudless
Jack & Karen LeCuyer
Gail Ledford & Tom Hay
Jacob Millington
Kevin Monroe