
Category: Institutional Abuse Prevention 

Loudoun TICN awards equine therapy to mental-health professionals

The Loudoun County Trauma-Informed Community Network (TICN) is proud to present the first Resilience Awards to outstanding professionals working to improve mental health for Loudoun County residents. As a part of Virginia’s state-wide observance of Resilience Week, eight recipients have been recognized this May with a unique Equine-Assisted Learning (EAL) session in partnership with Project Horse […]

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2022, a year in review

2022 was an incredible year for child abuse prevention. Check out highlights from this year and the extraordinary things our supporters have allowed us to do.

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Creating Sanctuary: Safe Church, Safe Community | Virtual training

We know the success of faith organizations and child safety goes hand in hand. This is dependent upon suitable adults who foster warm, authentic relationships with children. This training will enable staff and volunteers to mitigate risks of harm, ensure that appropriate boundaries are maintained, and act in accordance with the ethos and values of your organization.

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Making a difference in Loudoun County

Child abuse is on the rise as Loudoun's vulnerable families continue to face long-term consequences of COVID. That's where SCAN comes in. After two years of isolation, socio-economic instability, and lack of community resources, struggling families continue to face stress and unsafe living situations. Loudoun's youth need our help now more than ever.

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FOX DC: SCAN calls for action on institutional abuse following gymnastics testimonies

SCAN's new Institutional Abuse Prevention program, aims at preventing abuse in youth-serving organizations, like USA Gymnastics. "We’re tired of excuses because we know how we can do better," Program Director Laurie Tasharski told Fox 5 Monday. "If you have a reputation that you won’t harm, that you’re above reproach, you’re actually more likely to have a situation where a child can be harmed in your care."

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